Sunday, 13 December 2015


I have decided to go against using props for my front cover , as I do not want to take away any messages the picture is trying to convey. However I may use some microphones or guitars in my contents page to bring it to life.

Tuesday, 8 December 2015


For my location I have decided to use a green screen to take my pictures over, as it will allow me to play around with different backgrounds and put in a solid background colour. Deciding to use a green screen is a good feature as my options for editing are infinite which will allow me to make the best pictures possible.


My actor will wear a black shirt, with black jeans and black pumps, i have chosen this as black is mysterious. And as my actor in my magazine is the "new kid on the block" the black costume will allow me to attract readers as the picture will be eye catching as it will be on a block coloured background.

The black will also help by making my actors facial features more defined and it will allow the audience to be drawn into his face and understand the message behind the image.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

My Actor

My Actor

My actor will be Adam Duffy, i have chosen him as he has got a lot of very good features, so can be used to appeal to the female audience. However he also is a popular person among males which will not make males readers want to stop reading the magazine.

Examples of how i want my actor positioned

 These two images show an example of the type of shot i want to take of my actor, as the lighting on there faces make them look mysterious. Which is the look i want as my actor will be the "new kid on the block"